[11/10/23] shurnk everything. dont like it? bite me. the amp is coming back too just give me a second. video page, blog page..
[7/26/23] finally added LINKS page. now i just need to make a video page and a blog.........
[7/20/23] WOW! a lot -- made homepage more compact, added LEGO page, added FLH page... lots to see!!
[5/27/23] added ABOUT page.
[5/2/23] OVERHAUL!! let me know what you think. be honest.
[4/30/23] added new flyer. this place needs a good cleaning eh?
[2/24/23] updated about page and ironed out some kinks with the flower game
[2/23/23] the flower game
[2/21/23] Oh darn I haven't written anything here in a minute. I changed the big poster and added an ad for my radio show. i want to do more but i don't really know where to begin
[12/7/22] yea pretty much re did the whole front page... added sum gifs and buttons and flashy things. the site kinda looks like pixel vomit but i fw it ngl. webamp's back but that fucking thign won't work for me !!!!!!
[12/5/22] EPISODE FOUR!!!!! also kind of just smushed everything together. might change it back idk. lmk!
[11/14/22] OVERHAUL!! kinda. front page. still ironing out kinks (idk how to do any positinoing stuff, and webamp... has to stay back until i can figure it out) but lmk what u think!!
[11/6/22] LINKS PAGE UPDATED!! ironing out kinks but the general design's there. also tweaked sum other stuff too. yay! time to do homework now.
[11/4/22] VIDEOS PAGE UPDATED!!! take a look. if you so please. tried to update links too but it looks ass. other small stuff too.
[11/1/22] ABOUT ME PAGE UPDATED! also, took out the ep 2 flyer.. will prolly put it back soon.. idk rn the site looks overwhelming imo.
[10/28/22] added episode three flyer. let me know if the whole thing looks too overwhelming! also, blog!
[10/27/22] EPISODE THREE!!! you can click to watch it. some new songs too... amongst other small changes.
[10/17/22] webamp!! still figuring this one out. also don't really know the legality of it all. at any rate, it's on the site, bugs and all.
[10/15/22] tooltip boxes. fixed blog, about pages. added mood. all is well in the world.
[10/12/22] alien! some new links, some easter eggs tucked in nooks and crannies, ironing things out..
[10/11/22] grandma! and marquees! and... idk. other stuff too.
[10/10/22] added some gifs.. dont really know if they are too overwhelming. also made this thing different
[10/9/22] kind of overhauled website design... i have no idea what i'm doing atm but we shall figure this out.
if you genuinely got to here, like genuinely genuinely, like actually scrolled your way down here... wow. I commend you! seriously!

take this star of appreciation.