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What I've Been Up To (Outside of What I've Actually Been Up To)

4/20/2024 3:21 PM

whats up F***ers?? Happy Four Twenty. It's been a while hasn't it. I've been busy at something you'll learn about soon enough. hope you've been doing well.

Like always I find myself writing when I could be doing much more useful things. like going for a walk or working on a paper I have due next week. but I got the sudden urge to write a blog post and those urges don't always come too often so I'm going to capitalize on it until I get bored.

Dune part two was pretty awesome yea??? I saw it in 70mm and that was epic.
I found this youtube channel that hosts vinyl DJ sets that is pretty cool.

Sometimes I'm too hard on myself and other times i go too easy. i'm working on that this summer. as well as a lot of other stuff.

another thing i've been doing is watching the wire. sometjing i like to do after each episode is read Alan sepinwall's old blog about each episode. he wrote a book about the sopranos I really like too and I just like the way he writes. He makes me understand and appreciate TV shows more than I would otherwise. I think he's at rolling stone now. Heres the blog (for modern stuff he's on substack)

Other stuff I am going to do

  1. practice temperance and self-control
  2. use my phone less
  3. tell my friends I love them
  4. take my dog on nice walks
  5. read cool books. unless they are boring then stop reading them.
  6. re-code this website from the ground up LOL. have it work on phones and stuff.

So much to do. So much to see. Will we get to all of it? No. Probably not much of it. But it's never going to be any other way. So we might as well get used to that. Peace